Have you ever considered writing a book? For many of us, it’s an idea on our bucket list. The amazing news is that the expansion of self-publishing opportunities have made it a lot easier for this dream to become a reality, and you have the possibility of building a publishing team of your own.
The hardest part remains the same, though: you have to write a whole book! It isn’t easy, but there are many ways to get help. What makes it the right time to start writing? Just about any time is a good time, but here are some situations when you just can’t wait any longer:
You Can’t Stop Thinking About It
If you’re thinking about writing a novel, it’s likely you’ve got characters and settings and the inciting incident and maybe even whole scenes swirling in your head. Dialogue ideas wake you up in the middle of the night. If instead you’re considering writing nonfiction or a memoir, you’ve got lists of tips and tricks a mile long or a clear idea of which parts of your life to keep in and which to keep to yourself.
When your pent up purpose and passion are bubbling over and your brain just can’t keep it all together, it’s time to start writing it down. For now these are just raw ingredients stirring around, but writing them down gives you the opportunity to cook them up into something special.
You Are Ready for a New Routine
The hardest part about writing a book is always finding the time to sit down and actually put words on pages. It doesn’t matter if your plan involves carving out an hour at a time or mini chunks of 15 minutes to get the job done, but you are definitely going to have to make it a priority in order to keep up momentum. Having a work in progress is like having a new pet. Something is going to have to change for you to care for it, train it, and have fun watching it grow. So, when do you have time in your life to write? Do you need to re-arrange some things to find time? Is there a priority that can go on the back burner?
You’re Always Daydreaming
Heel of his palm on his right eye – that is the posture I find my husband in so frequently when he’s off in his own world. His whole life he had been chastised for it and missing out on instructions or letting his dinner burn. When he realized writing a book gave him a legitimate reason to schedule spare time in there instead of letting it take over important moments, he was a new man. Not that I don’t still find him unmoving and holding an unused toothbrush for five minutes on a regular basis. But now he gets paid for that time and honestly has more fun doing it.
There’s Something You Wish Everyone Knew
Being human comes with a divergent, unique set of experiences. There’s a lot you’ve learned along the way that others either don’t know or don’t believe. For those who don’t know, you can change their lives for the better whether it’s through disillusionment, inspiration, or logic with plenty of room to clear up questions or just have a bit of fun. For those who don’t believe, you’ve got literally hundreds of pages to make a case for something you believe in strongly.
You Communicate Better in Text
Personally, I do better at organizing my thoughts and making sure I’m meeting the needs of both my audience and myself when writing something down. I can’t make anyone laugh at my jokes, but I got a good chuckle from some of my followers when posting original memes and other updates online. Maybe you do too.
And honestly, when it comes to stories, most of us want to read them anyway. It’s hard to find the time to sit with our elders and ask them all kinds of questions about their youth, but we hold onto their journals like precious keepsakes of their pasts when they’re gone. Telling a story at a party always gets interrupted, but we all consume written stories online in our every spare minute with social media. So, write yours down!
People Love Listening to Your Stories
Maybe what I said in in the last section felt totally off for you. Maybe you have niblings that can’t wait to hear about your latest adventure or a group of friends who egg you on constantly over dinner. And how could they not? You are clearly a master of suspense, character, and story structure. You might even have a knack for weaving in thoughtful subplots. Imagine what kind of audience you could reach with a book.
Everyone has a book inside of them, but not everyone has the ability to get it out. Even if you do, it can be really hard to feel like you’re on the right path! But a book coach can help you solve problems and set you on the right path when you could use the extra support. But ultimately, it is only up to you whether your book gets written. Do you have what it takes?