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What we're thinking about.

Martha Chargot
Aug 16, 20224 min read
6 Writing Rules and When to Break Them
Much like the pirate code, writing rules are largely meant to be guidelines. Following them to the letter doesn’t make you a great writer...

Martha Chargot
Jul 26, 20224 min read
How to Incorporate Character Motivations Without Being Repetitive
Character motivations can be tricky to convey thoughtfully but clearly. Readers need reminders often enough...

Martha Chargot
Jun 14, 20225 min read
A Peek into My Developmental Editing Process
t’s good for you to know not just what you’ll receive but also what goes into that final product. For me, that usually means at least...

Martha Chargot
Mar 22, 20224 min read
Should Pitch Parties Add Age Diversity Tags?
Why do I find so little competition in characters of advanced age, and should we be doing something about it? I would like to think yes...

Martha Chargot
Feb 15, 20223 min read
Showing v. Telling: When Should Writers Summarize?
Everyone is always saying, “Show. Don’t tell.” But is that really always true?

Martha Chargot
Dec 28, 20215 min read
The 2022 Write with Purpose Challenge
We’d like to issue a new writing challenge. Each month, you’ve been assigned a scene to build out a more well-rounded narrative...

Martha Chargot
Dec 21, 20213 min read
Chapters v. Scenes: What’s the Difference and Why Should I Care?
Keep reading, and you might find something that fundamentally changes the way you think about writing...

Martha Chargot
Oct 19, 20214 min read
What You Need to Know to Write a Catchy Book Title
There’s a lot riding on a title, and there’s a lot to think about while you’re considering it. Don’t get caught with something less...
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