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What we're thinking about.

Martha Chargot
May 16, 20233 min read
Authorial EQ: How to Elicit an Emotional Reaction from Readers
Building a narrative with an emotional connection to its audience is about more than plot structure or having a twist in the final act...

Martha Chargot
Jan 24, 20233 min read
5 Things in a Developmental Edit You Won’t Get From a Critique Partner
Critique partners can do a lot to help you improve your manuscript! But they can’t do everything...

Martha Chargot
Jan 3, 20234 min read
New Year’s Writing Resolutions to Expand Your Skillset
We’d like to challenge you to do more with your year than putting words on pages because expanding your skillset is going to help you write.

Martha Chargot
Dec 27, 20224 min read
So, Your Dialogue Timing Sucks. Let’s Fix That.
So, if you clicked on this blog, I’m assuming this is a skill you suck at. No big deal. Here’s a few tips to help you improve.

Martha Chargot
Dec 13, 20223 min read
The Single Most Useful Editorial Technique I’ve Learned
I was resistant to it at first because it took me a lot of time I could spend toward digging into my edits. But once I committed, I've never

Martha Chargot
Nov 29, 20223 min read
5 Best Practices for Paragraph Breaks in Fiction
Knowing when to put in a paragraph break is intuitive. But what about those pesky times that it just… isn't?

Martha Chargot
Nov 1, 20223 min read
When Should an Author Be Thinking of Their Readers?
Books are a collaboration with agents, editors, publishers, and book sellers. But most of all, you're collaborating with readers...

Martha Chargot
Oct 11, 20223 min read
Pros and Cons of Self-Editing Your Novel
Here are a few things to look out for and others to get excited about if you're thinking about DIYing your novel's edit...
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