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5 Reasons I Love Beta Reading for Debut Authors

Writer's picture: Martha ChargotMartha Chargot

I have loved reading since I was very small. I was that kid who thought that rebelling meant staying up past bedtime with Little House on the Prairie and a flashlight under the covers. Every time I heard my father climbing the stairs, I would quickly shut it off and feign sleep until I could begin reading again when the coast was clear. It was exciting.

Being an adult, I just don’t get that kind of adrenaline rush from reading past my bedtime. Instead, I now find that my most exciting times are when I’m reading something for the first time with a friend or when I’m reading with a plan to help someone make their stories better. While I love working with all my authors, this is never more true when I’m beta reading for a debut author. Wanna know why?

They Have New Perspectives

Debut authors have access to stories and points of view that the world just hasn’t heard before. Obviously. This is their first time seeking publishing! As such, they have the ability to open my eyes to possibilities, injustices, realities and imaginations I never could have considered before. And every time I finish reading a debut author’s novel, I come away with my world expanded. Each of us writes because we have something to say, and I think I get more out of reading new perspectives than I would from reading my 14th Steven King.

It's Fun Being a First Reader

Authors write because they want to be read, and so getting to be one of the chosen few before publishing is quite the honor. It’s a great way to get a first view of how their writing is going and help shape the story if it needs improvements. As I read, I try to experience the story as any other reader would, but I always feel like a bit of a sleuth when mulling my experience over as I fill out my beta reading questionnaire. Plus, my experience is that debut authors are always so happy to have a reader that it makes the whole experience a lot more exciting and fun generally.

They Ask Great Questions

Debut authors have a lot to learn about writing, reader expectations, querying, and the publishing industry, and as such they ask a lot of questions. I love being a resource for new writers just getting started, and I love the way their questions stretch my knowledge of the publishing industry. One great thing about being new is that you don’t have preconceived notions about the way things are or how they should be, and they’re not embarrassed to expect more than what the industry is willing to give. I’ll tell them publishing standards and they’ll ask if this is the only way to be successful, and I appreciate that kind of creative thinking that challenges my own beliefs to help them get the most out of their publishing experience.

Their Enthusiasm is Infectious

Look, I love reading, but reading with a chance to help others really tickles me. Most debut authors I’ve met are so proud of what they have written even if they know it needs work simply because they proved to themselves that they could write an entire book. And you know what? They deserve that enthusiasm. It takes a lot to get it done, and it’s more than most people would ever do. I love being a part of their story, and oftentimes they love having me as part of theirs too. Who doesn’t need more of that in their lives?

It Allows Us to Get to Know Each Other

A beta read is the first thing I suggest for authors I’m working with for the first time. It’s a great way for me to get to know your story on a deeper level and for you to see the beginnings of my vision as an editor to see if we are compatible. That way, there’s no hard feelings if things don’t work out, and neither of us have invested too much time and money into a disappointing relationship. But if you do want to move forward with an edit or book coaching sessions to improve your story, you can do so with your mind at ease and the beginnings of a road map for what we’ll take on together.

I love reading. I mean, I have to. I do it in my professional life and my spare time as well. But beta reading for debut authors is especially fun and meaningful for me. It’s where I feel like I can give the most back as well as learn the most from fresh eyes. It’s a way to make meaningful connections with the writing community and see their careers grow as they continue writing, querying, and publishing. I love my debut authors, and if you’re considering getting a beta reader, I’d love to add you to my list.



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